Eddie will be posting a report for this match soon, fresh back from his travels. Welcome back mate.
The first thing i would like to say is a big thanks to my co-web partner Simon for keeping the blog upto date whilst i have been away working. Simon even managed to get the three day festival final results on the blog within one minute of the last person weighing in, now thats what i call fast {well done Simon} which is great work considering he is a busy man with other work to do.
As i was the last person to arrive at the draw, i was greeted with the normal banter that the regulars had been storing for the last couple of weeks so i was hoping for a good match with lots of fish to shut these people up but what i had to remember was the lake changes from week to week and i feared i was going to be out of touch.
The draw was called and as each angler drew there pegs most seemed happy and with Pete Arnold calling to draw last it was left for me to draw second last and i was fearing drawing peg 10 on the motorway bank ,so i stuck my hand in picked up both pegs dropped the first one and pulled up peg 8 result i thought leaving peg 10 for Pete but when he showed me peg 32 that wiped the smile off my face.
The day started off sunny getting cloudy later on with a slight breeze blowing from the small lake so at 2.10 the all in was called which only the anglers in the big lake heard so it was two all ins called. The usual suspects had drawn the flyers with Andy Quarmby on 2, Mark Newbold on peg 4 , Paul flyer Jay on peg 16 and Picasso Neil Riddy on peg 26. The match started slowly from where i could see but Stuart Fletcher on peg 9 was giving me a neck ache as he had a great run of doubles in the first hour and a half all 120lb worth. Pete Arnold on form peg 32 was fishing the margins to his right and had lots of fish boiling down the edge which were not feeding properly, and further down i could see Neil putting a few fish in his net so the big lake seemed to be the place to be. John Bennett on peg 13 was quiet for a change so at least i was not getting my usual ear bending from across the lake which was another reason to concentrate and try to gain another point back on him. The lake picked up as it got later into the match with many anglers visiting the scales with fish to 19lb coming out.

Todays winner Paul Jay.
Todays winner was Rolfslake Cartel member Paul Jay who was fishing motorway bank peg 16. Paul fished a short line 8 metres on the deck using 8mm hard banded pellet feeding pellet to keep the fish coming. Paul also had carp to 18lb in his final weight of 227-08 and also contimued his good run of victories and frames down the lake { well done Paul }.
Paul is also running a series of opens down the lake on Mondays drawing at 12 fishing 1 to 6 so if you are interested give John Bennet a call.

Sorry Andy this was the only picture i could find.
Fresh from his weekend victory was Andy Quarmby who today was fishing peg 2 in the small lake and Andy employed a mugging fish from the surface using pellet hookbait and who after 5 hours put one of the top weights from this peg this year, and although he had a good weight also found it frustrating.

Completing the frame was Mark Newbold who has been stuck in the small lake for most of this year and today was no different as he was n peg 4. After suffering a very frustrating first three hours Mark managed to get a few fish lined up at the end and was very upset not to catch Andy on peg 2 as he fell 3 fish short with his weight of 170-08.
Pos |
Name |
Peg |
Weight |
1 |
Paul Jay |
16 |
227-8 |
2 |
Andy Quarmby |
2 |
195-8 |
3 |
Mark Newbold |
4 |
170-8 |
4 |
John Draper |
14 |
164-0 |
5 |
Neil Riddy |
26 |
154-8 |
6 |
Pete Arnold |
32 |
148-0 |
7 |
Stuart Hetcher |
9 |
131-4 |
8 |
Dangerous Dave |
18 |
92-0 |
9 |
Steve Williams |
6 |
89-4 |
10 |
Frank Donachie |
7 |
86-0 |
11 |
Eddie Taylor-Green |
8 |
69-0 |
12 |
John Bennett |
13 |
60-8 |
13 |
Graham Ridgley |
28 |
28-8 |
– |
Adam Richards |
40 |
14 Anglers Fished

The Pirate flag is raised again.
As for my seasons battle against John all i can tell you is that i had a shocker on peg 8 with more foul hooked fish than i can remember fishing down the edge to my left on the top three but to my relief John also had a bad day although he tried to trick me by putting a 100lb of fish on the board that he had not caught and not being in on the trick i naturally added his net fish to this and came up with 160lb although i was not convinced as i walked round the lake only to be let in on the joke back at the hut {nice one guys}.
At the end of the day i beat John with my weight of 69-00 to Johns 60-08.
The score now stands at
Until our next report thanks for reading Simon, Eddie and John.