Post Pals Auction Winners.

Malc Doyle and John Bennett got together to arrange a way of raising some money for Post Pals

What they came up with was a days pleasure fishing for 2 anglers at the Lake. Something John does not normally allow, so the winners would have the whole lake to themselves for the day also the chance of some tuition from some of the regular rolfslake superstars.

The auction was a follow up to Bill G’s charity match at Monks lake. Over £1000 has been raised so far for Post Pals.

Following a week of bidding the winner of the auction was Keith with a winning bid of £110 but there was a twist to the auction. Keith was unable to fish so Terry kindly offered to buy the day for a further £110. And further twist was Terry’s friend who would be joining him for the days fishing also donated £50 making the total £270 going to Post Pals.

Terry and his mate will be fishing at the lake on the 18th May. I will do a report on the day. Malc will be at the lake on the day taking some pictures and hopefully not Jinxing the two auction winners. 😀

Fantastic effort from all concerned. Well done.

Here is a link to the whole topic on LINK HERE