Rolfslake Wednesday 5th June 2013.



Rolfslake not a bad place to hold a business team day.

Today Rolfslake welcomed Peter Drennan, Gary Barclay, 5 times World Champion Alan Scotthorne and the Drennan designers, sales team, and their photographer to take pictures of the launch of the the new Drennan ACOLYTE 16 metre pole.

Alan and Gary came down early to set up and start fishing and the rest of the team would be down later to see the pole in action and also have a chance to fish with it which is a great idea to be able to feel what the pole feels like with a fish pulling on the end. Also with the regulars turning up early the lake was busy with people and reminded me of the old days when you just were able to park in the car park.

Alan getting a Rolfslake welcome from Ollie.

Alan was fishing peg 34 in the small lake as there were plenty of carp to be seen and Gary was further down the bank on peg 38 and between them they caught all species of fish, carp of course with bream big roach and also a 15lb pike giving the pole a good workout on what was a pretty cold morning down the lake. The ACOLYTE is Drennan’s new flagship pole at about £2,800 and comes with a great spares package which was very impressive. John and I had an opportunity to talk to the Drennan guys who were very informative on all things fishing and we also had a look at the new Acolyte 13ft waggler rod which caught the attention of the regulars which was again a lovely piece of kit.

Alan’s first carp of the day.

Alan caught carp to double figures and bream to 3lb and could of caught a lot more if he fished closer to the rope but that would of been to easy and he decided to fish 16 metres out in front both on the deck and up in the water fishing 8mm banded pellet feeding 6mm feed pellet and Gary also caught carp but more bream and carp.

The Drennan guys watching the pole in action.

The morning seemed to go very well and was a nice place to have a team meeting and it was a pleasure to talk to Peter, Gary and Alan and all the Drennan team who went off with a great review of their new pole. { now i had better start saving some money }

Part of Alan’s catch.

The new Drennan ACOLYTE.

The crocodile makes an appearance.
Also caught on the Drennan ACOLYTE.


For more information of this pole visit


Big weight Pete wins todays Wednesdays Open match.

After the mornings visit by Drennan International it was back to nornality for todays match with 16 anglers hoping for the sun to come out and catch alot of carp and again Rolfslake did not disapoint . The anglers were drawn in both the big and small lake with both of the mornings fished pegs 34 and 38 both in so it would not be a bad draw today with the pleasure anglers on the carp park bank pegs 25 to 22.

The match started at 2.30 and by 2.40 anglers were into fish with the small lake being the more consistent place to be and with Paul Jay and Pete Arnold would you believe it pegs 34 and 38 catching good fish early and Malc Doyle on 32 was also into fish early so the signs were good for a big weight. The anglers at the bottom of the big lake were struggling to get the fish to line up so it was get your head down and try to win your section first.

In first place today was Pete Arnold on peg 38 and Pete started off on the pellet feeder fishing i believe pellet hookbait and every time the feeder was cast into the corner around peg 39 ish he was into fish and big fish as well as one of them went 19lb plus and today they were going to wear Pete out as it is a fair walk to the scales and he did alot of walking. A late change to the pole increased his catch rate as he fished both edges and the fish just kept coming and after 5 hours put a fantastic 312-01 to not only win but claim the peg king for peg 38.

Todays winner Pete Arnold.

Along way back was a close battle for 2nd with Gary Kelsey {Blakes Baits } just edging out me Eddie with his weight of 176-03 from peg 9. Gary fished peg 9 in the big lake towards the bush to his right and there he managed to catch two 20lb carp fishing on the deck using pellet and meat hookbaits feeding pellet and when added to his board weight Gary had caught 176-03 and only 11lb in front of me.

Completing the frame was me Eddie who was well pleased to draw peg 5 and after a frustraing 2 hours as the fish were not happy to feed with the sun on the water and when the shade came over it was a case of how fast i could catch them. I used paste at 8 metres and the top two to catch carp to 15lb but it was also a case of how many i lost that stopped me weighing over 200lb but i was still happy with 165-04.


16 Fished.

Section A.

Place Angler Peg Weight  
1st Pete Arnold 38 312-01 Rolfslake
2nd Gary Kelsey 9 176-03 Blakes Baits
3rd Eddie Taylor-Green 5 165-04 Rolfslake
4th Paul Jay 34 147-04 Rolfslake
5th Malc Doyle 32 114-13 Jinx League
6th Nick Williams 8 110-02 Jinx League
7th Sue Collins 7 106-04 Blakes Baits
8th John Draper 4 96-05 Rolfslake

Section B.

Place Angler Peg Weight  
1st Derek Hammond 26 163-12 Banbury Gunsmiths
2nd Micheal Corsini 30 147-03 Rolfslake
 3rd Andy Quarmby 18 91-09 Middy
4th Mick Jones 13 65-02 Rolfslake
5th Mick Chappell 16 22-02 Rolfslake
6th John Bennett 14 13-04 Rolfslake
7th Justin 28 DNW Rolfslake
8th John Emmerson 11 DNW Rolfslake

The Pirate reluctantly gains another point off John.

With all the visitors down the lake today John’s attention was off his fishing and more on customer service but he had drawn form peg 14 to my lucky draw of peg 5 in the small lake and i did my best to mess up this good peg.

John caught one carp of 13-04 to my 165-04 but he did not fish for most of the match and spent it talking to the visitors.

The score now stands at


John 8



Eddie 6

A reminder to all our visiting anglers to please read the rules relating to permitted baits allowed down the lake ,but for now i will remind you, only one tin of corn is allowed to be used both for hookbait and feeding .

Only one tin of meat is allowed BUT it can only be used for the hook and definitley not for feeding .

Only fishery pellets can be used for feeding.

If in any doubt please ask John or one of the match stewards before fishing thankyou.

Breaking of any of the lake rules could result in the angler being disqualified.

Thanks for reading John , Simon and Eddie.



1ST   peg 14  Jay Davis  146-5-0

2nd   peg  30  Froggy  123-15-0

3rd   peg    7 ????????? 112-1-0

4th   peg  5 ??????????  107-14-0

5th   peg  28 ????????  104-15-0

6th   peg  2 ???????/  93-12-0

7th   peg  38??????/  73-8-0

8th   peg 24 ?????70-6-0

9th   peg 4 ??????? 68-15-0

10th  peg  9 ???????  64-6-0

sorry did not know the names hopefully pete will let simon know , so we can fill in the correct details. 20 anglers fished.

Jinx Series Match 2. 1st June 2013



1 Steve Wilson 7 173-11
Geoff Edwards (Simon M) 38 153-6
2 Mat Edwards 4 122-5
3 Fred Parker 34 103-10
4 Ade Williams 6 68-1
5 Neil Riddy 2 66-10
6 Clive Pritchard 40 18-8


1 Simon Watkins 32 129-1
2 Dave Wall 8 112-14
3 Michael Corsini 30 112-3
4 Nick Williams 28 87-13
5 Terry Goff 10 62-4
6 Dave Moore 13 61-6
7 Marcus Burgess 9 24-8


1 Malc Doyle 18 86-11
Paul Jay (Dai T) 20 76-7
2 Tony Roberts 24 46-13
3 Dave Collier 16 34-3
4 Nick Watkins-Price 26 25-11
5 Paul Roberts 14 18-3
Ant Haywood (Kev L) 22 D N W

Rolfslake Wednesday Open 29th May 2013.



Cold weather and rain slow down the fishing in todays match.

After the good weights over the last 4 days the 13 anglers were greeted with a colder day and rain which put the carp off feeding in any numbers today and with the pleasure anglers struggling in the morning signs were not good today.

Amazingly Mark Newbold drew peg 10 for the sixth match running much to the amusment of the other anglers as he was drawn again in the so called no carp bay but after 5 carp in the first half an hour which had him smiling which was quickly wiped off as soon as the bream moved in and the carp moved out but still saw him weigh in 94-14. Todays winner was the returning Derek Hammond who had drawn form peg 9 and made no mistake by fishing a 6 metre line fishing pellet hookbait feeding pellet which resulted in a good run of smaller carp but enough today to win with his weight of132-05 { well done Derek }.



13 fished

A Section

Place Angler Peg Weight
1st Derek Hammond 9 132-05
2nd Eddie Taylor-Green 7 82-06
3rd John Bennett 32 58-02
4th John Emmerson 8 33-09
5th Mick Chappell 5 15-04
6th Mick Jones 4 DNW

B Section

Place Angler Peg Weight
1st Paul Jay 26 129-04
2nd Mark Newbold 10 94-14
3rd John Draper 18 84-02
4th Nick Williams 14 70-12
5th Richard 16 67-13
6th The Prince of Darkness Micheal Corsini 13 64-07
7th Mick Lane 28 36-00

X4 and the tip rod sink John in todays match.

For the first time in a while John and I were drawn on even pegs , pegs 32 and 7 and with John very confident of another point it was so sad to disappoint him today. The telling moment for me was watching Graham pleasure fishing on 34 as everytime he cast his bomb towards the rope a few minutes later he was into a carp and after an hour it was a walk round to the container to get my bomb rod. The first cast towards the far bank saw the rod scream round and the first of 5 carp was on its way to the landing net and a later switch to fishing paste brought me 5 more carp for my total of 82-06 and a section win by default.

John on the other hand had a frustrating match catching fish down the edges on 32 fishing corn and pellet hookbaits but half way through the match John hooked a very big carp over 20lb and after playing it to the net it made one last roll over the line and broke him starting terret mode. John added a few more carp to his net and after 5 hours weighed 58-02 to lose a valuable point to the Pirate.

The score now stands at


John 8


Eddie 5


Thanks for reading John, Simon and Eddie.

Rolfslake Bank Holiday Monday Open 2013.




15 Fished

Place Angler Peg Weight
1st  Gary Kelsey  34  112-12-0
2nd  Micheal Corsini  26  111-3-0
3rd  Andy Quarmby  16   96-12-0
4th  Sue Collins  38   91-6-0
5th  Pat Pritchard   8   88-4-0
6th  Paul Jay   7   86-14-0
7th  Nick Williams   4   77-7-0
8th  Chris Lovelock   9   74-0-0
9th  Clive Pritchard  40   69-6-0
10th  Dave Hills  18   60-7-0
11th  Bob Plant   2   40-15-0
12th  Colin Prior   5   40 7-0
13th  Bill Lovelock  14   11-12-0
14th  Mick Chapple  13    9-4-0
15th  Malc Doyle  32  dnw

Thanks for reading John, Simon and Eddie

1 139 140 141 142 143 240